Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Too Good To Be True

Hi guys I don't know what you think about it. But my gut tells me it's a hoax...

Check out these auctions on Ebay:
EMS Synthi AKS
EMS Synthi Sequencer 256

Come on, first of all I had seen the pictures and write-ups on some other genuine auctions. Second, this guy is from China? Third no selling history... And lastly he is selling an EMS synthi AKS and EMS Synthi Sequencer 256 each at buy-it-now price of USD$330? I don't know if this is for real... any ideas? I suspect it's a hoax.


sonicbrat said...

Yeah man. Thanks for the ebaying tip! I was like what-da.... when I saw the auction... Lucky for me I had seen a post by Matrixsynth before on the auctions (Thanks Matrixsynth!)... and went to search for that particular auction and found it. They are not hoax for fun... they are hoaxes to cheat other people's hard earned money!!! I emailed the seller and even got a reply back giving me shipping infos and stuffs... Hillarious...

Thanks again on sharing and hope no one got cheated by it!

Dave said...

Seller is no longer a registered user... ayep.

Mark Griffiths Music said...

I don't think it is genuine either. There's an interesting bit in Peter Forrest's A-Z of Analogue Synths (last page) where he talks about a chinese synth apparently copied from the Roland 100M with the story that chinese manufacturers got in touch with J. M Jarre to ask him for the recipe for such a synth. If you look at the China Concerts lp cover you will see an EMS on the posters..so you might have expected them to want to copy that.